Creating a List

Creating a list is easy and you have many options for customization. Let’s walk through the steps.

First, navigate to the Create/Edit List page.

Give your List a name.

Choose which users you’ll add to the list.

You have 3 options.

  1. Don’t add any users now – You can do this if you’d rather add user’s individually later.
  2. Add all users to the list by leaving check box beside “Add all users to list” checked:
  3. Or you can uncheck the “Add all users to list” and select a role which will add all users of this role to the list.

You can also choose if new users get added to this list once they sign up.

Next select how many users you’d like displayed on each page.

This is necessary for paging.

You can now choose your “search” settings

  1. Select whether or not to allow users to search
  2. Now, choose which fields to allow users to search by. Use the plus sign to add additional fields.
  3. Select whether a user will be able to search by radius. This will only work for users who have their address filled out.

Decide whether you’d like to display a map with points assigned to each user

Decide whether you’d like users to be able to find users by the first letter of their last name

Now, set your sort settings

  1. Choose which field the list will be sorted by originally, before a user specifies any sorting.
  2. Select whether a user can sort.
  3. Select the fields a user can sort by. Use the plus sign to add additional fields.

Set your user avatar image settings

There are two settings. Whether or not to display the images and what their width should be.

  1. Select whether to display gravatars.
  2. Set the width (in pixels) you’d like the image displayed.

Select whether you’d like the list to link to more info for each user

Display field labels

This setting determines whether the fields displayed for each user have labels before them.

Click “Add List”

Your list has been created. There were a lot of options but it was pretty easy, right?

Well you’re not done yet. Click here to add fields to display for users in your list.